5 Fragen an David Barral

David Barral Postdoc - Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
What is your academic background?

I hold a PhD in physics (quantum optics)  from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). I am postdoc fellow in the Multimode Quantum Optics group at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel.

How and when did you get interested in quantum physics?

I guess that it was towards the end of my first year in the physics degree, when our mentor tried to explain us strange concepts like superposition, entanglement, the Bell inequalities and the experiments of Clauser and Aspect. That was very inspiring.

What are you working on in Stormytune?

I am building a new multipixel homodyne detector, more efficient and faster, that will help us to measure non-Gaussian entanglement using quantum-metrology tools and other exciting features in time-frequency modes.

What do you think will be the most exciting thing to come out of Stormytune?

We expect to have a lot of exciting results in the months to come: from a theory of time-frequency superresolution to reach the ultimate quantum limit in the time-frequency domain to an experimental demonstration of frequency imaging of complex fields with applications in spectroscopy or parameter estimation using our multipixel detector.

What are your future career perspectives?

I'll try to pursue a scientific career in my home country, Spain.