5 Fragen an Patrick Folge

Patrick Folge PhD student - Paderborn
What is your academic background?

I have obtained my master’s degree in physics in Bielefeld, where I have worked on localization of electromagnetic modes in disordered dielectrics structures and the coupling of quantum emitters to such modes. Now I am working as PhD student in the group of Prof. Chrstine Silberhorn, in the quantum networks subgroup.

How and when did you get interested in quantum physics?

I think that this topic always intrigued me since it is surrounded by as lot of mysticism in the media. However, I really got interested in the field during my bachelor’s thesis, where I learned a lot about entanglement in the context of Bell’s inequalities. Since then, I am very intrigued by the possibility of novel technologies which are based on this kind of quantum correlations.

What are you working on in Stormytune?

I am working on combining quantum states generated in parametric down conversion sources with a controlled frequency conversion process in so-called quantum pulse gates. This enables the implementation of fully programmable frequency bin networks with quantum input states.

What do you think will be the most exciting thing to come out of Stormytune?

The development of different tools and techniques which allow for precise control over temporal mode bases. This could allow to strengthen the use of temporal modes as a platform for many different quantum applications.

What are your future career perspectives?

I think I want to continue my work in academia in a postdoc position somewhere abroad. But I am not really decided yet.